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CERRA Announces Partnership with DRONERESPONDERS

CERRA Announces Partnership with DRONERESPONDERS

Toronto— 24 May 2021 Today the Canadian Emergency Responders Robotics Association (CERRA) and DRONERESPONDERS are pleased to announce a new strategic alliance to enhance public safety and the use of drones by first responder agencies.

DRONERESPONDERS and CERRA share a commitment to ensuring the use of this rapidly developing technology meets the highest possible standards for both safety and effectiveness in the public safety sector.

We share common goals and are committed to developing consistent operational frameworks which includes emergency responder training, emergency response usage and compliance with current and future regulatory requirements.

CERRA and DRONERESPONDERS will work collaboratively to utilize the best, most current information and assist our public safety and government regulators in the development of programs and guidelines for our stakeholders in public safety and government.

CERRA and DRONERESPONDERS believe this international collaboration will help with the development of industry best practices and ultimately enhance public safety.

CERRA is excited to work with DRONERESPONDERS to drive the RPAS industry forward in a safe and consistent manner. The industry continues to develop at a rapid pace and international collaborations have never been more important with the current development in the use of robotics by first responders.

Colin Giles CERRA Chairperson


DRONERESPONDERS is a non-profit program created to unite the new aerial first responders, emergency managers, and search and rescue specialists under a unified organization to help learn, train, and test with one another with the ultimate objective of maximizing drone operations for public safety.


The Canadian Emergency Responders Robotics Association is a not-for-profit association that supports and advocates for the development of emergency responder use of RPAS “drones” and robotics within the public safety sector.

Membership in CERRA is open to any current or former first responder, military or supporting government agency.

For more information, please contact us at or visit our website at:

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