DRONERESPONDERS is proud to be a sponsor if the 2022 UAS BVLOS (Beyond-Visual-Line-of-Sight) & AAM (Advanced Air Mobility) System Safety and Performance Conference!
March 17, 2022 @ Xelevate, the DC Region’s Unmanned Systems Center of Excellence
Come learn the latest cutting edge weather-related tools, techniques, and tradecraft stemming from government and industry that will highlight awareness and maximize your flight operations and mission success:
Maximize pilot aeronautical situational knowledge and judgement
Lower mission risk profiles for UAS waivers and flight operations
Higher mission effectiveness rates
Reduced operational downtime and costs
Boost flight hours and payload data quality
Increase business margins and profits
Detailed agenda is attached, with a diverse group of panelists, moderators, and attendees representing but not limited to:
FAA, NASA, TruWeather, Aloft, Airspace Link, VIPC, NUAIR, Raytheon, ManTech, Skyports, Intellisense, Advanced Mobility Collective, ULTRA, Iridium, Loudoun County Fire & Rescue, Chicago Fire Department, DRONERESPONDERS, University of Maryland, and ResilienX
There will also be a social/networking hour by a bonfire at 4pm following the event!
Limited in-person & virtual attendance spots available- register now! *Registration Link –($149 for Industry, $75 for Government)
