I am pleased to announce the official launch of the DRONERESPONDERS Global Public Safety UAS/Drone Database & Map.
This is designed to build a global network of public safety drone programs to share best practices, safety notices, lessons learned, afety notices, regulatory updates, locate nearby teams to share resources and to facilitate training opportunities. Additionally, those agencies in the U.S. that identify they are willing to deploy for disaster and major incident responses will be added into FEMA’s Incident Response Inventory System (IRIS) Database.
I would like to ask for you to fill out this brief survey (takes 3 minutes) to add your information into the database which automatically populates the map. It takes less than 3 minutes. Let me know if you have any issues. Here is the link to the Survey: https://teams.DRONERESPONDERS.org
Here is the link to the Global Webmap: https://droneresponders.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a84c95f4951345269f6fab330846d3de